
CBP snags fake designer handbags in Miami

US customs at workThousands of counterfeit designer handbags have been uncovered by customs officials in a shipping container at Miami's seaport.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers were 1,200 fake Gucci handbags and 1,195 Louis Vuitton handbags in the container, with an estimated value of around $1m. The bags were seized on August 19 when they were discovered in a shipment sent from China, and the haul is one of the biggest by value this year.

Investigators began examining cartons containing the handbags after noting that they were not declared on any import documents. The shipment included 825 other cartons of clothes, shoes and similar apparel.

Last month, CBP reported a series of other high-value seizures involving counterfeit designer and luxury goods.

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