
Fake luxury goods worth $635k seized in Chicago

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers intercepted a package that contained 445 counterfeit designer products mimicking brands including Gucci, Chanel and Christian Dior.

If they had been genuine products, the value of the shipment – from Thailand – would have been around $635,600, according to CBP. The name of the shipper was the same name as the recipient and was heading to a residence in Wichita, Kansas.

The haul included: 11 Louis Vuitton handbags; eight Chanel handbags; 11 Gucci handbags; four  Christian Dior handbags; one set of Chanel, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton hosiery; one Nike and Gucci cap; 131 pairs of Chanel earrings; 16 pairs of Dior earrings; 14 pairs of YSL earrings; 72 pairs of Gucci earrings; 47 pairs of Louis Vuitton earrings; six Louis Vuitton facemasks; two Louis Vuitton wallets; two pairs of Louis Vuitton sunglasses; one pair of Fendi sunglasses; five Louis Vuitton pendants; five Dior pendants; four YSL pendants; one Gucci pendant; 24 Gucci hairclips; five Louis Vuitton hairclips; 19 Dior Vuitton hairclips; and 52 Chanel hairclips.

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