
Media slates Canadian response to fake plane parts

Canadian Airforce HerculesA Canadian media outlet has attacked the government for failing to quickly replace fake parts in military aircraft.

The criticism focuses on the Hercules military transport planes bought from Lockheed Martin. A
US Senate investigation found evidence that some planes were using counterfeit microchips, but the Canadian government has been slow to respond, CBC News claims.

Canadian officials initially denied their fleet was affected, before admitting to the problem publicly six months ago. Since then though the military has reportedly failed to find and replace the fake parts.

The lack of action has angered some in Canada who fear it is putting military personnel at risk. Canadian New Democratic Party defence critic Matthew Kellway told CBC News the inactivity is “stunningly negligent behaviour on the part of this government.”

Meanwhile the government is reportedly satisfied the planes are functioning properly, and that aircraft displays are unaffected by any counterfeit parts they might contain. If parts stop working they will be replaced, the parliamentary secretary to the minister of national defence said.

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