
Fake detergents from Turkiye incinerated in Bulgaria

More than 58 tonnes of counterfeit laundry powder, dishwashing liquid and shampoo have been destroyed by Bulgarian customs as part of a clampdown on illicit trade.

The National Customs Agency (NCA) said the laundry and cleaning agents were detained in 2023 and 2024 during customs inspections at a checkpoint in Kapitan Andreevo, on the border with Turkiye.

The knock-off laundry and dishwashing powder products were found in two trucks, while a third contained more than 51,000 bottles of shampoo. All the packaging of the transported goods bore the logos of well-known brands, with inscriptions in Turkish, and were confirmed as counterfeit by the brand owners. The actually brands involved have not been disclosed.

The counterfeit products were incinerated in compliance with EU regulations.

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