
BASF rolls out crop protection security label in China

BASF agchem productsBASF is introducing a security label to help Chinese farmers ensure that they do not inadvertently buy counterfeit crop protection products.

Illegal crop protection products make up an estimated 9 per cent of the total market in some countries, according to the company.

The label - which features an identification system developed by BASF and a local labelling company in China - has already been added to several BASF products including fungicides Cabrio, Cabrio Top, Merivon and Cantus. Starting in 2016 it will be added to other product lines.

The new technology is based on a water mark incorporated into the product label that is invisible indoors but clearly visible in sunlight, and a BASF colour pigment that "provides an additional unique characteristic that makes it even easier for farmers and retailers to identify genuine BASF products."

"Our new technology quickly proves the authenticity of BASF products and points out with clarity products that are counterfeited," said Tracy Wu, director business management Greater China at BASF Crop Protection.

"We are committed to providing farmers with effective, innovative products that allow them to work in a safe environment and produce safe food, feed and fibre."

In other markets, like Brazil, BASF has also invested in a device that helps its customers to check the authenticity of their purchase.

The DAF system consists of a seal containing a data matrix code and a modern bimetallic foil that can be applied to all product containers. Through directing a laser pointer to the bimetallic foil, BASF staff and customers can identify the authenticity of the product: if authentic, the word BASF will be reflected.

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