
Frequentz claims first with mobile track-and-trace app

Frequentz imageTraceability company Frequentz has launched what it claims is the first mobile application to provide full supply chain visibility in the "seafood, pharmaceutical and produce industries."

The app allows people working in the supply chain to capture product traceability data "right from your phone or tablet, whether you're on the factory floor, out in the field, or out at sea in the middle of the ocean."

"Mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, are the perfect medium to replace handwritten records, both in remote harvesting areas and in factories where fully automated tracking is not an option due to expense or other reasons," according to a blog post by Andrew Buck, senior mobile developer at Frequentz.

The full text of the company's press release follows:

Frequentz Inc.'s mobile app is a track and trace industry game changer

Frequentz Inc., a global leader and champion of end-to-end visibility, has upped the ante in track and trace solutions with the introduction of its first to market mobile application.

The revolutionary app is the only global solution to provide full supply chain visibility into the seafood, pharmaceutical and produce industries. It enables end to end traceability for suppliers located anywhere in the world: remote harvesting areas, ocean waters, and factory floors, to automate their tracking capabilities throughout the supply chain.
Using the app allows these suppliers to accurately capture critical data in real time, and sync the data to IRIS, Frequentz's robust, global traceability platform.

"Frequentz embraces industry and technology shifts as an opportunity to define and create tomorrow's standards. When you evaluate the current seafood traceability challenges, such as suppliers who have traditionally relied on handwritten records while out at sea, a mobile application is the most viable solution for enabling faster and more efficient recording processes," said Ro-el Cordero, Director of Product Management, Mobile, Frequentz Inc.

"As government regulations and consumer expectations continue to drive the world towards more transparency in our food and drug supply chains, mobile applications will play a pivotal role. As a leader in mobile traceability, we are committed to providing intuitive mobile apps to address our customers' needs."

Frequentz's mobile application is crucial for the seafood industry, which continues to face ongoing sustainability issues like illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. It is currently being implemented by Marbelize, one of the world's largest tuna suppliers, to optimize their operations and provide transparency into their supply chain.

Frequentz's mobile solutions are also being utilized within the produce industry and have been activated as a white-label solution since the fall of 2014 by a leading global pharmaceutical provider, to put patient care directly into the hands of doctors, nurses, and patients.

Benefits of the mobile application include:

  • Transparency – Provides visibility into supply chain activities and simplifies tracking regardless of location;
  • Compliance – Allows users to show and share traceability information with observers, inspectors, and regulatory bodies by digitizing records;
  • Access – Increases the ability to reach the most remote areas of the planet and put traceability into the hands of producers that otherwise would have no way to participate in a global traceability network;
  • Precision/Accuracy – Provides location and time detail directly from users instead of relying on third party services and inference. It also gives users feedback about their data entry and provide options for reducing data entry error when compared to paper logbooks and record keeping;
  • Organization – Helps digitize record keeping, making it easier to store, share, and review traceability data. It helps producers become and stay organized in their traceability activities;
  • Performance – Reduces the amount of time spent writing, copying, and sorting through paper records, which improves data capture performance and data recall. Because of its ability to travel with users to the most critical points in their process, mobile reduces the lag between the actual and reported event times, while simultaneously eliminating the need for a return to workstations just to log data;
  • Communication – Creates a communication channel between every node of the supply chain, reducing incident reaction times and improving coordination between nodes;
  • Ownership/Credit – Facilitates a stronger connection between producer and product, which can strengthen the amount of ownership and responsibility that producers feel about their products.

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