
No, you didn’t just buy a genuine rock god guitar!

Buyers who may have laid down money for a guitar associated with some of the most iconic guitarists in the rock pantheon are in for a disappointment.

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers recently seized 36 counterfeit guitars with links to artists like Slash, Angus Young and Jimmy Page as they were shipped through Washington’s Dulles International Airport.

The guitars arrived in 36 separate shipments from China in December, but on inspection CBP officers suspected they not genuine. The haul included27 Gibson guitars, along with six Fender, two CF Martin and a Paul Reed Smith, that claimed to be autographed and played by famous musicians.

Many of the Gibsons were of the Les Paul line of custom guitars, according to CBP. A fake Jimmy Page Gibson Double Neck was in the collection, along with a guitar supposedly autographed by Guns and Roses guitarist Slash (see below).

The most expensive was a Gibson Ace Frehley guitar valued at around $9,000 that had no connection with the Kiss lead guitarist, and the total value of the items has been estimated at more $158,000. The guitars were destined to address in 21 states and to Australia.

“Transnational criminal organisations will counterfeit anything that generates illicit revenues, and unscrupulous vendors line their pockets by preying on unsuspecting consumers,” said Keith Fleming, CBP’s acting director of field operations in Baltimore.

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