
Colour-changing seal launched by Rollprint

Rollprint colour changing sealant imageRollprint Packaging Products has launched a colour-changing sealant technology that it says can enhance security and deter counterfeiting of a range of products.

The coextrusion-coated sealant can be applied to any thermally stable web, including polyester, nylon and polypropylene and any of the US company's ClearFoil barrier structures.

The first applications are expected to chevron pouches and lidding materials for trays, which are used for example in pharmaceutical and medical device sectors.

"When you peel open a standard chevron pouch, there is a subtle white indicator to show that the contents have been accessed," said explained Dwane Hahn, vice president of sales and marketing, Rollprint.

"What we've done is engineer a way to leave a strong visual reference with a desired colour," he added, noting that in addition providing an overt anti-counterfeiting defense can also be used for branding or other purposes, such as differentiating different products by type, size or dose.

The proprietary technology, which took a year to develop, has been engineered to allow a film of one colour to transfer a peel indicator of a different colour thereby providing a visual cue that a package has been opened.

In addition to medical device and pharma applications such as sutures, scalpels, pre-filled syringes, artificial joints, catheters and surgical gloves, the technology could also be used as secure packaging for valuable items such as "gemstones, collectables, electronic components and documents", according to Rollprint.

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