Internet-bought medicines blamed for paramedic's death
Staff reporter, 31-May-2011
A UK paramedic who suffered a fatal overdose of sleeping pills last year is thought to have purchased the medicines without a prescription from an Internet pharmacy.
Lorna Lambden was found dead at her home in Harpenden in December, and was subsequently found to have high levels of an antidepressant medicine - amitryptiline - in her body. Amitryptiline is sold online as a sleeping aid, although it is not licensed for that purpose in the UK.
According to her family, Lorna had purchased the medicine over the Internet to help regulate her sleep and cope with demanding shifts at the London Ambulance Service.
"Lorna died after taking a small amount of medication which she had purchased on the internet to help with tiredness and sleeping," says a posting on the Lorna Lambden memorial page on Facebook.
"This medication turned out to be exceptionally dangerous. Please can this be a warning to anyone purchasing prescription drugs on the internet!"