
Systech and Zetes ally on pharma serialisation in Europe

Audit imageSystech International and Zetes have joined forces to help pharmaceutical manufacturers meet Europe's emerging regulatory requirements in serialisation and product traceability.

Under the partnership, Belgium-headquartered Zetes will sell, install and support Systech's Serialised Product Tracking (SPT) platform throughout Europe, "allowing pharmaceutical companies to effectively meet global, diverse regulatory requirements."

Accoridng to Systech's website, SPT "enables track and trace, ePedigree and authentication" and can be used with RFID tags and 1D and 2D barcodes. Zetes will support the platform via its network of 1,000 professionals in 15 countries throughout Europe and Africa.

"This partnership enables Zetes to expand our offering to the pharmaceutical industry and provide manufacturers with the support they need to efficiently address Europe's track and trace regulatory requirements," commented Pascal Durdu, Zetes' director of business development and innovation.

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