Warning about counterfeit GSK eye drops in Singapore
Staff reporter, 10-Mar-2016
The authorities in Singapore have warned the public about counterfeit versions of a GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) product that pose health and safety concerns.
The counterfeit eye drops are fraudulently labelled as Eye Mo Regular and Eye Mo Moist and were discovered being solid in two Singaporean retail outlets, according to the country's Health Sciences Authority (HSA).
"These products were immediately seized by HSA and GSK confirmed [they] were counterfeits," said the HAS, which found them to be "of poor quality with bacterial contamination." Counterfeit eye drops can cause serious harm to users as they are administered directly on the eyes.
People using the drops place themselves at risk of eye infections and potentially serious complications such as corneal ulcers (open sores in the outer layer of the eye) and blindness.
The fake bottles and their cartons were also printed with batch numbers and manufacturing date combinations which have never been used by GSK.
Anyone found to be selling or distributing counterfeit health products in Singapore is liable to a penalty of $100,000 and/or a jail term of up to three years if convicted.
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