
PR: Antares Vision's growth spurs headquarters move to larger facility in Moorestown, NJ

Antares Vision, the world’s leading provider of serialization-based track and trace solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, is moving its headquarters to a larger facility in Moorestown, New Jersey in early 2017.

The upsized space will help Antares Vision increase capacity of ready-to-deploy serialization modules to help customers meet looming regulatory deadlines.

Though full implementation of 2013’s Drug Supply Chain Security Act will comes in phases, the next milestone for manufacturers is November 27, 2017, by which date pharmaceutical manufacturers are required to print a unique product identification code on all Rx units of sale and homogenous cases distributed domestically.

The move is the result of solid growth for the company, as approaching serialization deadlines continue to spur pharmaceutical companies to move toward compliance with pending regulations. The new headquarters increases warehousing space fourfold, and includes a spacious testing facility allowing Antares to conduct multiple simultaneous factory acceptance tests (FATs) – key to meeting the surge in demand.

An adjoining demonstration showroom will display a rotating array of functioning packaging lines, including the Print & Check EVO, the P&C Advance, a top view matrix station, manual stations, and a tablet inspection machine. The area will be dedicated to live demonstrations and training, both of which are crucial for smooth serialization integration into complex production environments. Comprised of various Antares Vision modules, a comprehensive demo line affords in-depth training for full serialization of cartons and bottles, as well as full aggregation on bundles, cases, and pallets.

To help inaugurate the facility, the demonstration showroom will host the debut of Antares Vision’s new Omnivision 360° Bottle Tracking System. Comprising both hardware and software, the complete solution for bottle serialization and aggregation has been completely redesigned from its predecessor with an anodized aluminum frame. The Omnivision handles round, square or rectangular-shaped bottles as tall as 200mm and up to 85mm in diameter (square up to 100x100mm) at speeds of up to 250 per minute. Omnivision allows for controls on bottles that include OCR/OCV, lot and expiry date, printing correctness and topsert verification.

According to Andrew Pietrangelo, President, Antares Vision - North America: "As we start the final push toward this coming November’s initial serialization regulations here in the US, the expanded, higher-visibility new headquarters says, loudly and clearly, that the world’s leader in serialization-based track & trace solutions is here to help pharma companies meet regulation compliance deadlines."

About Antares Vision

Antares Vision is recognized as the world’s leading provider of serialization-based track and trace solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, with more serialization systems installed worldwide than all major competitors combined. Antares Vision has installed solutions on over 950 production lines in 180 plants around the world. More than five billion stock keeping units (SKUs) have been serialized, aggregated, shipped, and notified utilizing Antares Vision solutions.

Comprising both hardware and software, Antares Vision’s solutions stem from strong relationships with best-in-class technology vendors, including enterprise application suppliers; packaging OEMs; manufacturers of cameras, printers and labelers; and software and communication providers

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