
PR: Anti-Counterfeiting Forum announces webinar series

The Anti-Counterfeiting Forum has announced it is organising a series of short webinars, the first of which will be held on Wednesday 24th February 2021 2.00pm to 3.45pm.

While many physical face-to-face business events are high risk and have been cancelled in the last nine months, the threat of counterfeit electronic and electrical components in the supply chain remains undiminished. New developments both in terms of emerging threats and new best practice and solutions in the supply chain have continued but the opportunities to learn about them have been limited.

To address this, the Anti-Counterfeiting Forum is organising a series of short webinars, with three presentations in each one including short question and answer sessions.

The first seminar in the series will comprise presentations with an emphasis on the current threats and developments that they have experienced in the last year, by:

  •    Alan Clark, Ministry of Defence
  •    Ken Greenwood, Rochester Electronics
  •    Mark Shanley, Astute Electronics

There will be plenty of opportunity for delegates to raise questions during the session.

The cost to attend is £35.00 plus VAT for ECSN, IIOM, Electromechanical Market Surveillance Group, IP Crime Group and MoD Counterfeit Avoidance Working Group members and staff of Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies, Astute Electronics, netCOMPONENTS and Retronix, and £50.00 plus VAT for non-members.

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