
PR: AOU Parma chooses Deenova's RFID solution for medical device traceability and its proven benefits

Deenova, the leading European healthcare automation and service company, announced today the award of the public tender for the supply of radiofrequency identification (RFID) traceability systems for medical devices at the Parma University Hospital.

The five-year contract will cover the provision of staff, consumables, and technical assistance services. Deenova's D8 Series, which will be implemented at AOU Parma, offers widely recognized benefits through a combination of specialized personnel, exclusive software and hardware, and personalized service design.

The D8 suite of products, including Orbit Software, Sentinel RFID Cabinet, Sentry RFID Bin, and Check-in (RFID Kanban System), identifies and tracks everything handled by the hospital pharmacy and directed to operating theatres. This enables hospitals to monitor inventory, automate and manage supply chain processes, reduce equipment loss, and improve patient safety by ensuring the availability of the right equipment in the right place at the right time. The time spent in preparing peri-procedural kits is reduced, as are the routes and openings in the surgical rooms.

Giorgio Pavesi, CEO of Deenova declared "We are delighted to continue expanding our customer base in Italy, by adding AOU Parma. Our mission is to deliver the most cost-effective, digital, and automated solutions for medication and medical device management. We look forward to working with AOU Parma to implement our innovative and tailored solutions to meet their specific needs."

In the current context of Italy's controversial "Payback on medical devices" decree, Deenova's D8 Series is a valuable solution that assists hospitals in better controlling their medical device expenses, through optimal residual shelf-life management, reduced stock holdings, elimination of waste, errors, and duplicate orders, as well as accurate accounting reports for every logistic model. While producing these benefits, the D8 strongly reduces administrative and logistics tasks of operating theatres professionals, enabling an overall increase in efficiency. First implemented at Policlinico Gemelli in Rome in 2015, Deenova D8 is currently used in more than 110 operating theatres. Many notable goals have been achieved, including better average rotation of medications and devices, full traceability up to the patient, faster supplier recalls and safety alerts.

This simplified and controlled process lead to cost savings and better patient care, according to the goals of hospitals and the Italian healthcare system.

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