
PR: Date and venue for the 11th Anti-Counterfeiting Forum Seminar announced

The Anti-Counterfeit Forum’s 11th annual seminar, to be held on Wednesday 1st April 2020 at BAE Systems Park Centre in Farnborough, will focus on current trends and threats and new developments in combating counterfeits in the supply chain.

As well as current and emerging new threats, delegates will also be able to hear about current and developing best practice for the management of counterfeits in the supply chain, current and developing new methods for the detection of counterfeits and how to access further information, much of it free of charge.

There will be plenty of opportunity for delegates to raise questions, participate in a discussion forum and interact with our speakers during the day. Delegates will also be able to meet potential solution providers during breaks in the co-located table top exhibition space. Industry professionals who are new to the threat and want to learn more as wells as experienced practitioners in counterfeit mitigation practices are sure to find this seminar valuable.

Online booking is now available for both delegate spaces and exhibitor packages at

About the Anti-Counterfeiting Forum

The Anti-Counterfeiting Forum is wholly owned and managed by Elan Business Support Ltd.

The Forum helps to exchange, develop and disseminate best practice and intelligence to mitigate against the threat of counterfeits in the electronic and electrical supply chains by:

  • Working closely with a number of Government and industry bodies and attending a number of relevant Government / industry forums
  • Managing the Anti-Counterfeiting Forum website, organising annual counterfeit awareness seminars and providing presentations and talks at relevant industry events.

To access the Anti-Counterfeiting Forum website and for more information about and to contact the Anti-Counterfeiting Forum, please go to

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