
PR: TRACIT joins United Nations global compact

The Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT) has joined the United Nations Global Compact – the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative.

“We are proud to join this initiative and its outstanding group of business and non-business participants from 140 countries,” said TRACIT Director-General Jeffrey Hardy. “TRACIT looks forward to continuing to advance the work against illicit trade under the UN Global Compact umbrella and to support the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in our day-to-day activities.” 

As a participant in the UN Global Compact, TRACIT commits to:

  • Support the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption;
  • Advance these principles within TRACIT’s sphere of influence, and make a clear statement of this commitment to our stakeholders and the general public;
  • Take part in the activities of the UN Global Compact; and
  • Communicate every two years with our stakeholders on our engagement in the Global Compact and our efforts to support the ten principles, and post this Communication on Engagement on the UN Global Compact website.

As a trusted voice of business on illicit trade, TRACIT will mobilize the private sector on combating those sustainability issues that illicit trade gives rise to and offer sector-specific advice and recommendations on how countering illicit trade supports the principles of the UN Global Compact.

“Illicit trade undermines society’s efforts to achieve all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s),” said TRACIT’s Director-General Jeffrey Hardy. “Consequently, our mission to the UN Global Compact is to ensure that the negative impacts of illicit trade do not compromise achievement of the SDGs by demonstrating private sector efforts that could be implemented or scaled up across sectors in an effort to reach the goals by 2030. TRACIT is committed to working as key partner in the global development effort.”

More information on the UN Global Compact is available at

TRACIT is an independent, private sector initiative to drive change to mitigate the economic and social damages of illicit trade by strengthening government enforcement mechanisms and mobilizing businesses across industry sectors most impacted by illicit trade. 


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