
UK unveils cybersecurity code for business

Businesses developing artificial intelligence-based applications could benefit from a cybersecurity standard and code of practice, developed by the UK government, that "equips organisations with the tools they need to thrive in the age of AI."

The aim is to help companies protect themselves better from "growing cyber security threats," according to a statement from the UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, which notes that the Code will give them advice on securing AI systems against hacking and sabotage, for example, and ensure they are developed and deployed in a secure way.

The voluntary Code will form the basis of a new global standard for secure AI through the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). It has been published with an accompanying implementation guide.

"With cyber attacks or breaches affecting half of businesses in the last 12 months, safeguarding AI systems is crucial as adoption accelerates across the economy," said DSIT, which noted that the UK AI sector generated £14.2bn ($17.6bn) in revenue last year.

Feryal Clark MP, Minister for Cyber Security said: "This will not only create the opportunities for businesses to thrive, secure in the knowledge that they can be better protected than ever before but support them in delivering cutting-edge AI products that drive growth, improve public services, and put Britain at the forefront of the global AI economy."

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