
US lung health group calls again for tobacco traceability

The US FDA must propose and finalise regulations to implement track-and-trace technology on all tobacco products to prevent illicit trade, including counterfeiting and smuggling activities, according to the American Lung Association (ALA).

That is one of the recommendations in the 2025 edition of the ALA's State of Tobacco Control (PDF) report, which also accuses the tobacco industry of taking "more aggressive actions at the federal and state levels to stop proven policies to prevent and reduce tobacco use, protecting their profits at the expense of our nation's health."

The 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act requires the FDA authority to implement track and trace systems, which will help identify illegal or harmful products, as well as providing powers like removing illegal products from the market.

However, the latest five-year strategic plan published by the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) in 2023 did not include any such plan, and the regulator has not responded to a citizen petition (PDF) filed more than a decade ago calling for action in this area.

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